Dec. 17 stuff


Simple acoustic progression

G, Am, D7, G

G, C, Am7, D7, G....

Capo on 2 so shapes are:

F, Gm, C7, F

F, A#, Gm7, C7, F


Some cool chords in here

First one is on the A,D,G,B strings - 12,10,0,12

Second one is a C played as a barre chord on the 8th fret

Third is a C shape, but slid up two frets so it's some kind of D

Fourth is again on ADGB as 7,x,7,8

Then it moves to some three note chords on A,D,G - 12,10,0 then 10,9,0 then 9,7,0 then 7,5,0


Maybe the middle part is worth something?

Capo on 3

For that middle part, it's 10 on the A and 11 on the B, pulled off to 10, then a C shape so you're on the 6 on the B string, then I think a C7 shape?  


  1. NR7 sounds like Pinegrove haha, in a good way. NR11 I like. There are chords I really like at the end of NR2. Make it a bridge and build off it?


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